The laws surrounding electronic sweepstakes, contests and video gaming machines can be extremely confusing. When law enforcement officials try to determine if a sweepstakes is legal, or evaluate what constitutes “skill and dexterity,” they may improperly attempt to shut down businesses that are operating legally.
The most effective remedy is often found in civil court.
Morningstar Law Group’s experienced gaming attorneys work closely with software developers, distributors and retailers to litigate issues involving compliance with North Carolina laws around gambling, video games, lotteries and sweepstakes, including NC General Statute 14-306.4.
Our work includes:
- Seeking declaratory judgment or injunctive relief affirming that our client is operating within the bounds of North Carolina law
- Obtaining temporary restraining orders or preliminary injunctions to prevent law enforcement officials from closing our client’s operations
- Responding to cease and desist orders
- Seeking the return of equipment that has been wrongly seized
- Handling zoning and land use issues for clients who have been denied a permit to open or received a notice of violation due to alleged zoning concerns
- Litigating contract disputes, including disputes with landlords
- Consulting with criminal attorneys who are defending clients in this space
Our attorneys have an in-depth understand of gaming laws in North Carolina and played an instrumental role in establishing that law enforcement agencies are not immune from legal claims and can be sued in civil court. We also work with the gaming industry to shape potential legislation around issues involving electronic sweepstakes and video gaming machines.
Morningstar Law Group has a robust litigation practice that is committed to helping our clients resolve disputes reasonably, rapidly and efficiently. Learn more about our expertise in the following areas: