We are pleased to announce, a bit belatedly (we’ve been nose-down working hard for our clients), that Morningstar Law Group was named to the list of Best Law Firms for 2023. At the national level, we were recognized for our work in Land Use & Zoning Law. And at the metropolitan level, we were recognized for work across the following practice areas.
- Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships)
- Commercial Litigation
- Commercial Transactions / UCC Law
- Copyright Law
- Corporate Governance Law
- Corporate Law
- Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law
- Employment Law – Management
- Labor Law – Union
- Land Use & Zoning Law
- Litigation – Antitrust
- Litigation – Intellectual Property
- Litigation – Labor & Employment
- Litigation – Land Use & Zoning
- Litigation – Mergers & Acquisitions
- Litigation – Real Estate
- Mergers & Acquisitions Law
- Real Estate Law
- Securities / Capital Markets Law
- Securities Regulation
- Venture Capital Law
This recognition is more about our clients than it is about our firm. Without them, we’d not have the opportunity to exercise our experience and knowledge on their behalf and to help them achieve their business goals.